State Planning Resources

Training and Employment Guidance Letter 10-19 - This TEGL provides an update on technical assistance to states, territories, and outlying areas related to the requirements for submitting plan years 2020-2023 Unified and Combined State Plans under sections 102 and 103 of WIOA. The plan years 2020-2023 Unified and Combined State Plans will cover the four-year period from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2024.

State Plan Portal Podcast - A discussion with leaders from the U.S. Departments of Labor, Education, Health and Human Services on the importance of Combined and Unified WIOA State Strategic Plans.

Release of the Wagner-Peyser Act Staffing Flexibility Final Rule and Amended Information Collections Associated with this Rulemaking - The purpose of Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 13 -19 is to announce changes to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) regulations as part of the implementation of the Wagner-Peyser Act Staffing Flexibility final rule. Additionally, this TEN provides information to states seeking to adopt the flexibilities provided in this rulemaking as part of their WIOA Unified or Combined State Plan submissions for 2020.

Wagner-Peyser Act Staffing Flexibility Final Rule

Requirements and Considerations for WIOA Unified and Combined State Plans: Modifications and Beyond for 2020-2023 - States are required to submit their WIOA Unified and Combined State Plans in March 2020. This webcast training series provides an overview of the specific content and submission requirements for the Strategic Plans prepared for 2020-2023 period. The Departments of Labor, Education, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services hope that these webcasts can assist States and their public workforce system partners engaged in the strategic planning process.

PY 2020 Planning Requirements and Guidance - This document provided both background and guidance to the States on the preparation and updating of the Unified or Combined State Plan. (Also note the entry for TEN 13-19 regarding the possible updates to the Wagner-Peyser section.)

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act State Plan Modifications (PY 2018-2020) - This webpage hosts all currently approves Unified and Combined State Plans.

WIOA Waivers Requests - This webpage provides background, legal and regulatory context, and documentation requirements to guide the submission of waiver requests. The page also provides a table with hypertext links to waiver disposition letters from the Employment and Training Administration.