The Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) program provides federal funding, through a formula grant, to 54 State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) to hire dedicated staff to provide individualized career and training-related services to veterans and eligible persons with significant barriers to employment and to assist employers fill their workforce needs with job-seeking veterans.
Program Staff: The JVSG program supports the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialist position, Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) staff, and Consolidated Position staff. DVOP specialists provide individualized career services to veterans with significant barriers to employment, with the maximum emphasis directed toward serving veterans who are economically or educationally disadvantaged. Veterans with barriers include homeless veterans and vocational rehabilitation clients. Local Veterans' Employment Representatives conduct outreach to employers and business associations and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans and encourage the hiring of disabled veterans. Consolidated Position staff serve in a dual role as DVOP and LVER.
Program Authorization: Title 38, United States Code, Section 4102A (b) 5 (38 U.S.C. §4102A(b)5) authorizes funds provided to each state to staff and support DVOP specialists, LVER staff, and the reasonable costs associated with such representatives, including travel to the National Veterans’ Employment and Training Services Institute (NVTI). DVOP and LVER roles and responsibilities are defined in 38 U.S.C. §4103A for DVOP specialists and 38 U.S.C. §4104 for LVER staff.
Program Funding Allocation: Most State Workforce Agencies’ funding allocation is determined by a ratio that reflects the total number of veterans seeking employment in a given state to the total number of veterans seeking employment in all states. Several states receive a minimum amount of funding to ensure that a certain level of staff can be maintained, particularly in states with remote pockets of Native Americans and a large number of sparsely populated rural counties.
Program Administration: Every four years states submit a combined Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) state plan. State plan generally include a narrative description of the populations of veterans that will receive targeted services, provisions for priority of service for veterans and other eligible persons and performance goals. Each year thereafter, states submit an Annual Funding Modification to their approved state plan.
General Information
- Cash vs. Accrual Desk Aid (PDF) **NEW**
- JVSG COVID-19 Questions and Answers for State Workforce Staff, dated May 12, 2020 (PDF)
- JVSG Application Instructions
- JVSG Forms/Automated System Instructions